chia sẻ slide bài viết tiếng anh chủ đề "My School"

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chia sẻ slide bài viết tiếng anh chủ đề "My School"
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chia sẻ slide bài viết tiếng anh chủ đề "My School"

Content of my powerpoint :

There are about 6 parts :

Let's get started with part 1 - General information:

-Tay Nguyen University was established on November 11, 1977,and is located in the heart of Buon Ma Thuot city . Its educational system includes a kindergarten , a high school , a university and a hospital…The university plays a vital role in providing high-quality education and healthcare services to the central region .

Part 2.School facilities:

-The facilities of Tay Nguyen University are very complete, suitable and convenient for students and lecturers to study and research . I have also prepared a short video about the overview of Tay Nguyen University so that everyone can understand better.

Part 3.Techers and students:

-Students and teachers in Tay Nguyen university really friendly and enthusiastic . Especially my classmates , everyone is united ,creative , supportive  and hardworking in work and study . They give me an energetic learning environment so I have motivated to try to study and improve myself every day . I  feel so lucky to have such wonderful classmates.

-My Teachers also great , they taught me many useful things , they inspire us with their knowledge , experiences, lifestyles,… After all , our teachers not only teach us university knowledge but also guide us in life .

Part 4.Subject and activities :

-First is about subject : There are so many majors for people to choose to study ,and many functional departments related to the field of study .

-The second is activities : there are also have many activities to do like : Cultural activities ; entertainment activities ; outdoor activities ; annual Events;…

Part 5.School rules: some rules of Tay Nguyen University :

-Be punctual in everyday classes , meetings ,…
-Parking in the right places like : parking areas (but you have to -park into the student’s parking area not teacher’s )
-Teachers and students must to wear their ID card when attending classes or participate in some important conferences .
-Students have to attend their classes,…

Part 6.Memories and feelings:

-My memories and feelings while studying at Tay Nguyen universities like : It have made my life more meaningful and enjoyable, achievements , build a strong relationship with others,…

Link powerpoint :

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