sản phẩm thuộc canon

Máy chiếu Canon LV-HD420

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Máy chiếu Canon LV-HD420

Giá tham khảo: 43.780.000

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Danh mục: Máy chiếu

Máy chiếu Canon LV-HD420

Tính năng

The LV-HD420 offers Full HD resolution for projection of sharper and clearer images. This lightweight, compact model weighs 3.4kg and makes it easy to move from one location to another. The LV-HD420 also features enhanced vibrant colour reproduction at a much lower operating cost. Together with its air-filter-free feature, it reduces maintenance requirements and minimizes downtime.

  • Brightness: 4,200 lumens
  • 8000:1 contrast ratio
  • Full HD (1920 x 1080 pixels)
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