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1. All the above pictures are for reference only, please refer to the actual product. The content will vary according to different countries and regions. We sincerely recommend that you confirm the specifications of the currently sold products with your local dealer or retailer. 2. The color of the product may be different from the actual product due to photo light error or screen settings. We will try our best to provide correct and complete data on the webpage, and reserve the right to correct and modify the information on the webpage without prior notice. 3. The product specifications and information mentioned on this website are for reference only, and the content will be updated at any time. Please consult your local dealer for details. 4. Our company’s computer, computer peripheral accessories and additional software may be updated from time to time, please consult your local dealer for details. 5. Our company has the final interpretation right for other names and trademarks involved in all the above products.
Card Màn Hình Colorful Igame Geforce RTX...
Laptop Colorful EVOL X16 Pro gaming lapt...
Bo Mạch Chủ Colorful Battle Axe C.B250M-...
Card Màn Hình Colorful iGame GeForce RTX...
Card Màn Hình Colorful Geforce GT730K 2G...
Card màn hình Colorful iGame GeForce RTX...
Mainboard Colorful H610M-K M.2 V20
Bo mạch chủ TUF GAMING Z690-PLUS D4
Bo mạch chủ Asrock X670E PG Lightning
Mainboard Colorful C.H110M-T Plus V21