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X-Rite ColorMunki Photo Package

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X-Rite ColorMunki Photo Package

Giá tham khảo: 16.610.000

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X-Rite ColorMunki Photo Package

Tính năng

Advanced Calibration Made Easy for Color Perfectionists
The simple way to color calibrate your camera, display, projector and printer with a broad range of options and control to ensure the color you see is exactly the color you will get.

Simply. Amazing.
As a photographer you know perfect color is essential. ColorMunki Photo ensures your files can be captured, viewed, shared, printed and reproduced accurately every time. Without frustration. Without wasting expensive media and ink or your valuable time. You’ll be amazed at how simple getting professional color truly is.

X-Rite ColorMunki Photo is an all-in-one color control solution that provides complete control over calibrating your cameras, monitors, projectors and printers. Our wizard-driven software provides the perfect balance of automation with a full range of creative controls for photographers looking for more control over their color. We guide you through every step (in just minutes) providing a complete range of professional options that allow you to customize and fine tune your workflow and get back to focusing on what you love, knowing that what you’re seeing on your monitor will match your final output.

Let your artistic side go wild!

Put control of your image library at your fingertips and automatically extract colors from any image. Or go directly into an image and drag any color you can see to create a custom color palette. ColorMunki Photo also lets you grab color from virtually any substrate with the easy spot color measurement function. Then, when you’re ready to use your custom palette, synchronize or import into your favorite photo and design applications.

With ColorMunki’s PrintSafe™, you can preview your color palettes under different lighting sources and evaluate your printing process. Think of the money you’ll save by catching out-of-gamut colors BEFORE you go to production!

Share it with the world

When you’re ready, confidently share your images with ColorMunki’s DigitalPouch. Simply drag and drop them into the pouch, “zip” it up, and send. The recipient doesn’t need any special software installed; they’ll be able to view the images with your embedded profiles in a self-contained image viewing window. Plus the DigitalPouch will automatically check the recipients monitor for a current profile and provide a warning if they aren’t profiled, so you can be assured you and your client are each viewing on a profiled monitor.

The X-Rite ColorMunki Device

  • All-in-One spectrophotometer is the only device required to profile monitors, projectors and printers and measure colors.
  • A white calibration tile is integrated, so there’s nothing to lose or match up to your device.
  • A protective bag doubles as an integrated monitor holder – and it all fits in the palm of your hand.

Powerful, Self-Guided Software

  • Quick, easy self-guided interface offers a fast path to high quality custom monitor, projector and printer profiles
  • Create custom camera profiles with the included X-Rite ColorChecker Camera Calibration software and target, controlling your color right from capture
  • Easy and Advanced Monitor Profiling Modes: Easy mode’s predetermined selections are perfect for photographers who are looking for quick and easy profiling. Choose Advanced if you want more control over whitepoint, contrast, brightness or ambient measurements.
  • Photo ColorPicker intuitive interface for easiest color palette building and verification
  • DigitalPouch offers ViewSafe™ capabilities ensuring color confidence when sharing images with your client

Monitor and Projector Profiling

  • Calibrate and profile all of your LCD, CRT and laptop monitors so you know the colors you see on screen are the same colors you’ll see in print.
  • Automatic DDC recognition will quickly determine if your monitor is compliant and if so, perform all advanced display calibrations automatically, delivering a high quality profile with no user intervention.
  • Advanced mode offers the ability to optimize your display luminance, based on ambient light or any value you specify.
  • Ambient light measurement and resulting optimum white luminance values provided; target and actual measured luminance values are provided when adjusting display luminance
  • Automated contrast clipping test for an even easier display contrast and brightness optimization workflow.
  • Video LUT adjustments to pinpoint display target luminance value, ensuring more accurate results
  • Ability to create custom display profile names or accept default name before saving and applying profile
  • ColorMunki technology gives you fast and accurate projector profiles so you can show your images on the big screen to clients, family and friends with color confidence!
  • Before and after visualization and calibration reminder prompts keep everything in check.

RGB and CMYK Printer Profiling

  • No need to read individual color patches – ColorMunki’s superfast scanning can rapidly measure test charts in less than one minute!
  • Simply scan one 50-patch test chart, and ColorMunki will learn how your printer behaves with these colors and dynamically generate a second chart of 50 patches.  Then print and scan this second chart of 50 patches and your profile is perfected!
  • ColorMunki is so smart it even has the ability to optimize your profile based on images for specific colors, black & white, flesh tones, etc.

Camera Profiling

  • X-Rite ColorChecker Camera Calibration software includes both a desktop application and an Adobe® Lightroom® Plug-In for creating custom DNG profiles
  • Included ColorChecker Classic Target [mini], 24 patch industry standard color reference, is used for creating camera profiles and evaluating specific colors

Create with Power

  • Automatically extract colors from any image in your library or go directly into the image and drag any color you can see to create a custom color palette. ColorMunki Photo also lets you grab color from any surface with the easy spot color measurement function.
  • With ColorMunki’s new PrintSafe™ checking capabilities, you can preview your color palettes under different lighting sources or evaluate printing processes for out of gamut colors before you go to production.
  • When you are ready to use your custom palette, synchronize or import into any of your favorite photo and design applications.

Communicate Effortlessly

  • Share your masterpieces quickly and easily with DigitalPouch, a self-executable application that allows for color managed sharing and viewing of your images.
  • Simply drag and drop the images you want to transport into the pouch, “zip” it up and send.
  • The receiver doesn’t need to own or install any special software. They simply doubleclick on the DigitalPouch file and they’ll be able to view the images with your embedded profiles in a fully automatic and color managed viewing application.   DigitalPouch files are even completely cross platform independent so you can send the same file to Windows or Macintosh users and the color results will match.
  • DigitalPouch also checks the recipients monitor for an up-to-date display profile and indicates if it’a ViewSafe™ or color accurate environment.  This provides you and your customer complete confindence that the color integrity of the images is being preserved when viewed by all.

Interactive Training At Your Fingertips

Included Interactive Training modules offer user driven, easy-to-follow instructions for:

  • Calibrating and Printing with Ease: display-to-print matching capabilities: LCD & laptop calibration, projector profiling, and printer profiling
  • Creating with Power: capturing colors from virtually anywhere, enhancing editing creativity, and saving time and production materials with PrintSafe™ color previews
  • Communicating Effortlessly: with DigitalPouch™, a self-executable application that checks for ViewSafe™ conditions on the receiver side to ensure confident image sharing with anyone
  • Covering Color Basics: deepen your understanding of color basics and ideal viewing environments; includes a comprehensive color glossary
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